Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The importance of having a mobile-friendly website

Most of us have known for a long time that populace everywhere is gradually more accessing the internet on a range of devices. No longer is it safe to presume that a potential customer who visits your company website will be using a traditional desktop or else laptop computer – there is a good chance that she will be using a tablet or else a handheld smartphone. 

Fresh studies shown that more than half of digital traffic online now comes from mobile devices as well as through mobile apps. So it’s very important to have a mobile friendly website

Significance of mobile friendly websites

With more and more visitors admitting to your company website on mobile devices, it is significant to make sure that all your visitors have a positive experience, regardless of what kind of device they are using to get there. If your website takes too long to download, or else is not easy to use on a mobile device, they may move along to a competitor. Having a responsive website brings with it several key advantages, including: 

· Improved search visibility
· Improved user experience
· Increased lead generation
· Improved brand identity 

Even if a small portion of your target visitors are on a mobile devices, this could be quite significant for your online visibility. Ultimately, the better an experience you can offer for your mobile visitors, the better the chance they will convert into new business. You never know where or else when you target visitor will arrive on you site, so it is important that your website is ready to work on any device they may be using, wherever they may be. 

How do you know your website is responsive?

You can easily know your website is responsive or not with the help of mobile friendly website checker. And some other ways to check responsiveness is you can check if it scales to display content and navigation in a way that is optimized to be user-friendly on smaller screens. 

How to create a mobile friendly website?

If your website is not presently optimized for mobile viewing, converting it into responsive format will require some level of development. There is no simple switch you can flip to make your website instantly mobile-optimized. However, if your existing website is well-designed, as well as utilizes a database-driven content management system. The process may be as easy as modernizing your existing page templates. In other cases, you can maintain your existing design scheme as well as content, or else if you have been contemplating a redesign anyhow, combining a design upgrade with a responsive website update is practical opportunity to elevate your organization’s entire web presence in one combined effort. 

The two most common approaches to mobile websites are to either design a separate mobile responsive website optimized for handheld devices, or else to develop your main website so that it uses a approachable design that scales to any screen size. While there may be meticulous cases when a separate mobile site may make sense, responsive design has increasingly become the modern standard.

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